Our families need a hero.

Show your support for early childcare and education.


Early childhood care and education facilitates the growth and development of young children, allows parents the opportunity to engage more actively in the workforce, and supports a thriving local community.

Summit County, Utah is experiencing a crisis in early childhood care and education.







Federal childcare stabilization funding for Summit County

We can afford early childcare.
We can’t afford to lose it.

CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for a thriving community
Investments in early childhood care and education support children’s healthy development and early learning starting at birth, which cascades into longer-term and broader benefits for them, their communities, and the economy.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for local businesses.
Accessible childcare provides an economic boost to Summit County. Our businesses benefit from and need an expanded workforce.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for working parents.
83% of Summit County survey respondents who are parents with young children have experienced reduced hours, declining promotions, and not working because of a lack of childcare.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for school-ready kids.
Because our brains grow faster in early childhood than at any later point in life, the most fiscally responsible public investment we can make is to invest in our citizens early, when the returns are the highest.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for a prosperous economy.
The estimated annual economic burden of Summit County’s childcare gaps on households, businesses, and tax revenues is upwards of $32 million.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for a thriving community
Investments in early childhood care and education support children’s healthy development and early learning starting at birth, which cascades into longer-term and broader benefits for them, their communities, and the economy.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for local businesses.
Accessible childcare provides an economic boost to Summit County. Our businesses benefit from and need an expanded workforce.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for working parents.
83% of Summit County survey respondents who are parents with young children have experienced reduced hours, declining promotions, and not working because of a lack of childcare.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for school-ready kids.
Because our brains grow faster in early childhood than at any later point in life, the most fiscally responsible public investment we can make is to invest in our citizens early, when the returns are the highest.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for a prosperous economy.
The estimated annual economic burden of Summit County’s childcare gaps on households, businesses, and tax revenues is upwards of $32 million.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for a thriving community
Investments in early childhood care and education support children’s healthy development and early learning starting at birth, which cascades into longer-term and broader benefits for them, their communities, and the economy.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for local businesses.
Accessible childcare provides an economic boost to Summit County. Our businesses benefit from and need an expanded workforce.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for working parents.
83% of Summit County survey respondents who are parents with young children have experienced reduced hours, declining promotions, and not working because of a lack of childcare.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for school-ready kids.
Because our brains grow faster in early childhood than at any later point in life, the most fiscally responsible public investment we can make is to invest in our citizens early, when the returns are the highest.
CHILDCARE IS ESSENTIAL for a prosperous economy.
The estimated annual economic burden of Summit County’s childcare gaps on households, businesses, and tax revenues is upwards of $32 million.
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“Quote from Scott Hartesfelt or his colleague about businesses.”

— Scott Hartesfelt

It's time to recognize childcare as a public good that requires public investment. We need your help.


Reach out to County Council.

Comment at meetings every Wednesday at 6pm, in person or via Zoom, and email CountyCouncil@summitcounty.org to share your own experience and ask that they designate funds to address early childcare.

Be an advocate for childcare!

Join local businesses, residents, and childcare providers to speak up for our kids. We’ll let you know when you can speak up.

Tell your story.

If the childcare crisis has affected your family in Summit County, we would love to hear from you.


Support the Early Childhood Alliance to help subsidize families and childcare providers.


Better understand how the childcare issue impacts everyone in Summit County, not just young children and parents.


The Atlantic

A Tragically American Approach to the Child-Care Crisis

Salt Lake Tribune

Why advocates are ringing alarm bells about Utah’s child care industry

The Century Foundation

Child Care Cliff: 3.2 Million Children Likely to Lose Spots with End of Federal Funding

Utah Care for Kids

Families deserve care for kids that is affordable, accessible, and meets kids needs.
See the latest news on our blog.


The Early Childhood Alliance project would not be possible without this generous support.