When designating October as National Head Start Awareness month, President Ronald Regan noted that these programs truly provide young children with a “head start” in life. These words are still…
Parents, please take advantage of the free, virtual parenting classes available in our community. Parenting resources are always valuable, but particularly now as children are home more frequently, what a…
Thanks to the wonderful work at the Prenatal to Three Impact Center at the University of Texas at Austin LBJ School of Public Affairs (Hook Em!), Utah now has a…
Thanks to all of our wonderful panelists today. For those who could not make it, you can see the recording at the link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/xdRXdPas2nxLQqvp90v0c4ICFaj8T6a823dNqPFZyBwwCJj_CVW6qWYHbZ0s7CnG
Register at https://startingatzerofilm.com/ to view the premiere of the film Starting at Zero accompanied by brief panel discussions on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early childhood education in…
Congrats to last night’s graduates from Holy Cross Ministries’ Parents as Teachers program. Currently, 32 families are working with their parent educators to learn how to be their children’s first…
The Wasatch County Domestic Violence Coalition and Peace House are sponsoring a presentation by the Younique Foundation called Defend Innocence. Domestic violence is the shadow pandemic and children are living…
Click here to access a mental wellness workbook for children and their parents during quarantine.
If you missed our discussion of Early Childhood Alliance updates, you can review the recording at the link below: Topic: Early Childhood Alliance Webinar Date: May 28, 2020 12:35 PM…
The Early Childhood Alliance is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to all children from birth to age five living in the Park City area…
Child Care Aware of America and Vroom have teamed up to offer helpful tips for parents at home with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Make the most of everyday moments and…
On Thursday, April 16, Summit County announced the introduction of a Stabilization Working Group. This is the first step in the next phase of this COVID-19 emergency: the Stabilization Phase….