
Whether you live, stay, work, or play here, you benefit from our nonprofits. Please donate today.


Mail: P.O. Box 681499, Park City, UT 84068

EIN: 30-0171971

Explore giving options below, learn about local philanthropy, or get more involved with your community. Questions? Reach out to Sam Mueller, or 435-214-7477.

Find a way to fund your passions.

Whether you want to create a unique family legacy or join forces with an established philanthropic fund, Park City Community Foundation offers a wide range of giving options, all specially designed to help maximize your impact. Within these opportunities, you’ll find ways to give using a range of assets, from cash to life insurance to stock. Whatever you choose, we’ll be by your side every step of the way, ensuring that your contributions make the biggest possible impact—so the people, place, and culture of Park City can thrive for generations to come.

Choose the fund that’s right for you.

Community Fund

Support Park City’s most pressing needs while also sustaining the work of the Community Foundation. Learn more about the Community Fund »

Initiative Funds

Combine your philanthropic efforts with other donors focused on a specific issue and purpose, such as Early Childhood, Mental Wellness, Climate, and more. Learn more about our Initiatives »

Endowment Fund

Contributing to the endowment ensures the future of Park City for generations to come. Learn more about the endowment »

Philanthropic Fund Management Services

Create a lasting legacy with our Donor Advised Funds and Business Advised Funds. Participate directly in the grant making process without the hassle and expense of running a private foundation. Streamline your family’s or company’s giving and make a local impact. Learn more about starting your own donor advised fundContact Sam Mueller, Philanthropy Director, 435-214-7477 to get started.

Make your gift with any of these assets.


The easiest way to give. An outright gift to the Community Foundation requires no extra steps on your part and makes an immediate impact. This donation can be made online here or sent via mail to Park City Community Foundation at PO Box 681499, Park City, UT. 84068.

Publicly Traded Stock / Appreciated Securities

Donating publicly traded stocks, bonds, or other securities may give you capital gains tax advantages by deducting the fair market value as a charitable contribution. For information about stock transfers please contact Alexis Brown, Vice President of Development, at or 435-731-4303.

Tangible Personal Property

Vehicles, boats, and other appraised assets can be donated and receive the same tax benefits for appreciated property. We will want to discuss insurance, maintenance, and other carrying costs with you.

Real Estate

Personal residences, commercial property, and open space designated land are among the types of appreciated property we can accept.  A qualified appraisal and other terms are required.  Learn more about gifts of real estate »

Retained Life Estate

Transfer the title of a personal residence or farm to the Community Foundation while retaining personal use of the property for a specified term of years.

Bargain Sale

Sell property to the Community Foundation for an amount less than the property’s current fair market value. The excess of the value over the sales price is your contribution to the Community Foundation.


Use your Donor Advised Fund, or consider starting one with Park City Community Foundation, to receive tax benefits.

Transfers from Charitable Entities

If you have a private foundation or other Donor Advised Fund and are concerned with succession planning or don’t have time to manage your foundation, you can transfer those assets to us. 

Retirement Plans

In larger estates, retirement fund assets distributed to family members may be subject to double taxation — first through the donor’s estate tax and then through beneficiaries’ income tax. Individual Retirement Plan (IRA) accounts listing the Community Foundation as the beneficiary generally will pass to your Community Foundation fund free of estate and income taxes. Keogh plans, 401(k), 403(b) and other qualified pension plans are also eligible. If you are 70.5 years of age or older, you can make a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA via several different fund options. 

Life Insurance

Contribute an existing life insurance policy to the Community Foundation or establish a new one with the Community Foundation as beneficiary. By doing do, you may be eligible for an income tax deduction for the policy’s cost basis or cash surrender value (whichever is less), and any subsequent premium payments may qualify for a charitable deduction.  Learn more about gifts of life insurance or retirement plan assets »

Closely Held Stock and Other Business Interests

We can accept gifts of privately held stock, limited partnerships, and other closely-held business interests.

Planned Gifts / Estate Planning

Make a simple bequest, a charitable remainder trust, or a charitable lead trust:

  • Simple bequestMake a bequest to the Community Foundation through your will or living trust. You may qualify for an estate tax deduction based on the value of the gift. You can state your bequest as a portion of your estate or as a set amount of cash, securities, or other assets.
  • Charitable remainder trustTransfer assets to a charitable remainder trust to provide an annual specified distribution to one or more beneficiaries for life or a term of years. The remainder interest creates or adds to your fund with the Community Foundation. 
  • Charitable lead trustTransfer assets to a charitable lead trust. The Community Foundation fund receives an income stream for a lifetime or term of years, after which the remaining assets are distributed to you or other beneficiaries. 

Contact your estate planner to explore your options. Learn more about bequests, including sample language for wills and trusts »

Give to other nonprofits.

When you give to Park City Community Foundation, you’re increasing and accelerating the impact that local nonprofits have because we support them through grants, education, and collaboration opportunities. We also encourage people to connect with and give directly to any nonprofit whose missions resonate with them. The best way to do that is to visit their website. Other options to give directly to nonprofits include our Giving Guide and Live PC Give PC.

For gifts received by Park City Community Foundation to be granted on to another nonprofit, we charge a processing fee of $10 per grant with a minimum individual grant amount of $100. For donations made online through Stripe, Mightycause or as stock, there are additional processing fees which will be taken from the original gift amount.

Keep in mind that during busy times, especially Live PC Give PC, the processing times for these grants can be anywhere from 2-4 weeks.

Contact Sam Mueller to discuss how to take advantage of the giving option that’s right for you: or 435-214-7477.

