Women’s Giving Fund Grant Guidelines

2024 Women’s Giving Fund Grant Guidelines

The mission of the Community Foundation’s Park City Women’s Giving Fund is Park City women+ supporting other Summit County women+ and children in need through endowed, high impact philanthropy. Women’s Giving Fund will use earned income from the Women’s Giving Fund endowment, as well as current use dollars, to fund an annual high impact grant that supports women+ and/or children in need in Summit County, Utah. A high impact project is one that can provide measurable outcomes that are transformative in the way they change lives, alter a community, or address a root issue, rather than acting as a temporary solution. Impact may vary based on a nonprofit’s size. Collaboration within the community is encouraged.


In addition to creating high impact, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Qualify as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
  • Serve women+ and/or children of Summit County
  • Demonstrate need with relevant data and facts
  • Demonstrate attainable goals and objectives, which include a timeline for implementation
  • Demonstrate an ability to measure and evaluate the program/project and communicate its outcomes to the Women’s Giving Fund membership if awarded the grant
  • Demonstrate commitment to diversity, equity & inclusion.

 Applicants without 501(c)(3) status, but which have applied to the IRS for such status, may apply. In this case, a receipt letter from the IRS of application is required at time of application to Park City Community Foundation. Applicants without 501(c)(3) status, but which are operating under an organization qualified as a 501(c)(3) organization, may apply separately if they have their own advisory board and have the written consent of the qualified organization. In that case, the application must contain a letter of agreement between the two organizations, which sets forth the responsibilities of each organization.

Grants may support program/project costs, capital projects and equipment, consulting services, matching funds, technical assistance, and joint requests from multiple applicants (collaborations).

 Current Restrictions

Grants will not be awarded for debt reductions or retiring past operating deficits; sponsorships, dinners, or one-time events; unrestricted or general operating support; fellowships or other grants to individuals; litigation; political or marketing campaigns; endowment funds; graduate and post-graduate research; or for purposes that further political or religious doctrine. One primary grantee will be chosen per year. A recipient cannot reapply as the primary grantee for three years after the year they received the grant. A summary of finalist applications will be posted on our website for all members to access.

 Women’s Giving Fund Grant Amount

The 2024 Women’s Giving Fund Grant award amount will be $75,000. Park City Community Foundation’s Board of Directors will annually set the amount for the grant. Funding can be awarded in one year, but disbursed over 1-3 years depending on outcomes achieved. Funds must be used within 3 years of receiving the grant.

Three finalists will be selected by the Women’s Giving Fund Steering Committee. Those finalists will receive video production services for a short, descriptive video about the proposed program or project described in the application.

Runners-up will each receive $25,000 to be used toward your proposal or work serving women+ and/or children in Summit County, UT.

Grant Process and Timeline 2024

  • March 12: Applications open
  • April 12: Application deadline
  • May 17: Semifinalists notified
  • June 24 – July 8: Women’s Giving Fund member open voting
  • July 10: Grant Award Celebration


Community Foundation staff processes and prepares the grant applications for review by the Women’s Giving Fund Steering Committee and Board of Directors. Staff assist the Women’s Giving Fund Steering Committee, but do not vote on committee matters (Staff who are also Women’s Giving Fund members may participate in the all-member voting to choose the final grant awardee). After grants are awarded, Community Foundation staff, board members, and/or donors will participate in the monitoring and evaluation process of all grant projects through a site visit. Runners-up will be asked to submit a brief statement of how funds were used.

 Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is composed of eleven women of all ages selected from the Women’s Giving Fund membership. At least one member must be of high school or college age. The committee evaluates the grant applications and recommends three finalists to the whole membership for a vote to determine the grantee.


The Women’s Giving Fund Steering Committee will use the following criteria to review applications. These criteria are not exclusive, and the Committee and Board of Directors reserve the right to use their own best judgment when making grant awards.

Benefit to Community, Women+ and/or Children*
Applicant demonstrates program/project addresses a significant community need for women+ and/or children and contributes to a vibrant and unique community that benefits women+ and/or children.

Strategic Approach*
Goals, objectives, and timeline are realistic and clear.

Potential Impact*
The project/program demonstrates short-term and/or long-term impacts.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion*
Application describes the following:
1. How programming decisions are informed by members of communities they serve;
2. Staff or board has participated in diversity, equity & inclusion training or plans to in 2024;
3. Organization has a public-facing statement about commitment to diversity, equity & inclusion (on their website), or plans to in 2024.

Project/Program Budget*
Budget demonstrates funds will be spent to address a significant community need for women+ and/or children, including how funds will be budgeted/used over 1-3 years, if applicable.

Note: Budget may include costs associated with staff, program activities, indirect costs, and other costs necessary to carry out the proposed activities. 


Total Operating Budget (2024)* Character Limit: 20

Project Name* Character Limit: 100 

Project Description* Character Limit: 100

Project Type* Choices:

  1. Continue existing program
  2. Expand upon existing program
  3. New program

Project Narrative* Character Limit: 5000 (approx. 800 words). The grant narrative should ONLY include the following:

  • How the project/plan will serve women+ and children in Summit County
  • Demonstration of need, challenge, or community issue
  • Description of the proposed project, program or solution; estimated inputs (staff, time, resources, materials)
  • Demographic characteristics of those program / project intends to serve

***please avoid submitting very general information on your nonprofit or business, this narrative should be project specific

Intended Outcomes* Character Limit: 1000

Please summarize the intended outputs (#s… for example # of students impacted), and outcomes (what the project wishes to achieve). Finally, describe how your project/program measures (or intends to measure) impact and any post-grant plans.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion* Character Limit: 1000

How have your organization’s practices changed as result of incorporating principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)? Commitments may include:

  1. How programming decisions are informed by the community being served;
  2. How the organization’s staff or board has implemented lessons learned in DEI trainings or plans to by the end of the year;
  3. How the organization is budgeting for DEI or plans to by the end of the year.

You can also describe any support you might need, and/or roadblocks or insights your organization has discovered along its DEI journey.

File Uploads

Please ONLY upload PDFs that are electronically converted from word pressing or spreadsheet files, rather than printed and then scanned PDFs or images. This facilitates our ability to copy text from the PDF files.

Project Budget* Specific project/program budget for the use of grant funds. If you plan to receive funding disbursed over 1-3 years, please make this clear in your budget. File Size Limit: 2 MB

Supplemental Material (Optional)* If you have any other documents or data you wish to share, please combine them into a single pdf and upload here. Note the maximum file size limit. File Size Limit: 2 MB

Please apply online at https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=parkcitycf by Friday, April 12, 2024.

Questions? See the Frequently Asked Questions page, and please don’t hesitate to contact Minda Boland, Grants & Impact Manager, minda@parkcitycf.org.