Youth United awards grants to local organizations dedicated to creating equitable access to sports, recreation, and extracurricular activities, prioritizing increased Latinx and BIPOC participation to reflect the diversity of our community.
We envision a Park City where every child has equitable access to sports, recreation, and extracurricular activities, fostering engagement, connection, and belonging. Youth United, an initiative of Park City Community Foundation, builds on the legacy of the Solomon Fund and RISE Fund to expand opportunities for children and teens across Park City and Summit County.
Youth United addresses systemic barriers to participation, including financial constraints, communication gaps, lack of equipment, and cultural inclusion. By breaking down these obstacles, we aim to create a more inclusive and connected community. Our ultimate goal is to align extracurricular participation with the diverse demographics of our local schools, achieving at least 20% representation of Latinx and BIPOC youth in local programs.
Youth United tackles the barriers that prevent equitable access for families, including communication and outreach challenges, financial limitations, lack of necessary gear, and the need for cultural inclusion. While Park City Community Foundation staff are working to address these challenges, we recognize there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Youth United Grants Timeline
Youth United Steering Committee
The Youth United Steering Committee, composed of community members and at least one Park City Community Foundation board member, evaluates grant applications and allocates funding in alignment with the Board-approved budget.
Park City Community Foundation staff prepare applications for committee review and facilitate evaluation and follow-up processes, ensuring clear communication with applicants and grantees.
For questions, contact:
Grants typically range from $1,000 to $25,000, depending on available funding, the scope of the request, and the potential impact of the project or program. Funding may be distributed in a single installment or multiple disbursements.
Types of Support
Funding may support:
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Organizations operating outside of these requirements may contact the Park City Community Foundation for guidance and potential eligibility exceptions.
For Park City High School teams, clubs, extracurriculars and other affiliated programs, please reach out to Junior Vieyra ( / 435-714-2820)
Grants will not fund:
Community Foundation’s Grantmaking Due Diligence Policy
The Community Foundation will not make grants to organizations known to support, or who engage in activities, or who publish language that incites or engages in violence, intimidation, harassment, threats, or defamation targeting an individual or group based on their actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental ability. These activities are contrary to Community Foundation’s mission and its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Review Criteria
The Steering Committee will use the following criteria to review applications. These criteria are not exclusive, and the committee and staff reserve the right to use their own best judgment when making final grant awards.
Grant applications are evaluated based on:
Application Requirements
Publicity Guidelines
Grant recipients must acknowledge support by including the Youth United logo and the following statement in promotional materials: “This program is supported by a grant from Youth United of Park City Community Foundation.”
For logo files or guidance, contact Minda Boland (
How to Apply
Apply online at: Grant Interface.
For technical assistance, contact Minda Boland ( / 505-681-0991). For program-specific inquiries, contact José Chacón ( / 801-657-0106).