Early Childhood Alliance Grants Guidelines


The Early Childhood Alliance engages, educates, and supports members, children, parents, and the community-at-large to prioritize accessible, excellent, and equitable outcomes for children in the Wasatch Back from the prenatal stage through age three. For more information, visit www.earlychildhoodalliance.net.

Funding Opportunities

We are seeking proposals from organizations and individuals who wish to serve children and their families in the Wasatch Back from the pre-natal period through age three.

Grants will be available in amounts between $1,000 and $25,000, depending on the scope and timeframe of the awarded project.

These funds must be used to further one or more of the following strategic priorities:

  • Expand and strengthen access to affordable, high-quality childcare and education.
  • Build parents’ capacity as their child’s first and best caregivers and teachers through home visiting, referrals, services, and information.
  • Strengthen connections among all early-childhood providers.
  • Make early-childhood care and education a community priority and increase government, philanthropic, and business investment in early-childhood programs.

Grant applications may be submitted between August 22, 2022 and September 16, 2022. Applicants will be notified of award decisions no later than September 30.

Proposal Requirements

  • Organization Name
  • Amount Requested
  • Project Name
  • In 250 words or less, please briefly describe how you or your organization will use the awarded funds to further one of the strategic goals listed above. Include in this description:
    • the amount of funding requested
    • the expected timeframe to expend the funds
    • the number of families expected to benefit from this project
    • how this project will reach families in need
    • the community benefits anticipated as a result of this project
  • In addition to the narrative, please be prepared to upload the following in .pdf file format:
    • Brief Project Budget
    • Completed w9 (if applicant is a for-profit entity)
    • Utah Solicitation Permit (if applicant is a non-profit entity)

Steering Committee

The Early Childhood Alliance Steering Committee evaluates grant proposals for final review and approval. View the 2022 Early Childhood Alliance Steering Committee >> 


Early Childhood Alliance and Community Foundation staff process and prepare grant applications for review by the Steering Committee. They serve and assist the Steering Committee, but do not vote on grant awards. After grants are awarded, staff, committee members, and/or donors will participate in the grantee reporting process (see reporting requirements below).


Park City Community Foundation will consider grant applications from organizations meeting all the following eligibility requirements:

  • Serve people living or working in Summit County (Wasatch County will be considered, although grant making decisions will emphasize organizations based in Summit County that serve Summit County).
  • Qualify as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Applicants without 501(c)(3) status, but which have applied to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) for such status, may apply. Receipt letter from the IRS of application is required at time of application to Park City Community Foundation.
  • Applicants without 501(c)(3) status, but which are operating under an organization qualified as a 501(c)(3) organization, may apply separately if they have the written consent of the qualified organization. In that case, the application must contain a letter of agreement between the two organizations, which sets forth the responsibilities of each organization.
  • Applicants that are not 501(c)(3) organizations but are implementing charitable activities for the benefit of the citizens of Summit County, should contact Park City Community Foundation before applying. Under some circumstances, they are eligible to be considered for funding but may be required to adhere to separate reporting measures and disbursement processes.
  • Only one application per organization or alliance per grant cycle will be considered. An alliance may be a collaborative effort between two or more entities (nonprofit organizations, businesses, government agencies, individuals, etc.). The alliance would then submit one application.


Grants will not be awarded for:
debt reductions or retiring past operating deficits
sponsorships, dinners, or one-time events
fellowships or other grants to individuals
political campaigns
endowment funds
graduate and post-graduate research
purposes that further political or religious doctrine

Community Foundation’s Grantmaking Due Diligence Policy

The Community Foundation will not make grants to organizations known to support, or who engage in activities, or who publish language that incites or engages in violence, intimidation, harassment, threats, or defamation targeting an individual or group based on their actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental ability. These activities are contrary to Community Foundation’s mission and its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Review Criteria

Once applications are screened per the Eligibility, Restrictions and Grantmaking Due Diligence Policy, the Steering Committee will use the following 4 criteria to review applications. These criteria are not exclusive, and the committee reserves the right to use its own best judgment when making final grant awards.

  • Alignment with Strategic Priorities: Applicant demonstrates how funds will achieve one or more of the following:
    • Expand and strengthen access to affordable, high-quality childcare and education.
    • Build parents’ capacity as their child’s first and best caregivers and teachers through home visiting, referrals, services, and information.
    • Strengthen connections among all early-childhood providers.
    • Make early-childhood care and education a community priority and increase government, philanthropic, and business investment in early-childhood programs.
  • Strategic Approach: Plan including timeline for how funds will be implemented is realistic and clear.
  • Potential Impact: The project/program demonstrates how intended outputs will lead to positive impact in the community (outcomes).
  • Project/Program Budget: Budget demonstrates funds will be spent to address a significant community opportunity or challenge.

Application Information May be Shared with the Public

Select information from applications may be shared. Any organization not wishing to have their information shared should contact minda@parkcitycf.org to request that their information not be shared.

Reporting Requirements

In lieu of a written grantee report, grantees will give an informal presentation during a quarterly membership meeting, scheduled by the Early Childhood Alliance.

Publicity Guidelines

As a recipient of a grant from Early Childhood Alliance, it is important to the Alliance, our donors, and the community that the grantee publicize and recognize the philanthropic support that a grantee receives. Early Childhood Alliance requires the following of grant recipients:

  1. Grantee agrees that a notice will be included in all announcements, promotional and other appropriate material stating: “This [activity/event/organization] is supported by a grant from Early Childhood Alliance.”
  2. Grantee agrees to include Early Childhood Alliance logo in all brochures, notices, signs, and plaques that recognize funders at events or on facilities. Please contact staff for a copy of the logo.

How to Apply

Apply online beginning August 22, 2022 at https://www.grantinterface.com/Process/Apply?urlkey=parkcitycf

Only applications received through our online application system will be considered. Please do not submit applications via email or in hard copy.

For technical questions or issues with the grants management system, including first time login assistance, feel reach out to Minda Boland (minda@parkcitycf.org).