Over the past three years, the annual Women’s Giving Fund Grant has made a big difference in the lives of women and children.
Want to get more personally involved in the ongoing success of one or more of these critically important local organizations? Here are some ways you can help:
PC Tots: PC Tots would be grateful for volunteers! They are planning field trips on the Park City bus system for pre-kindergarten classes and could use adults to help. They are also interviewing for board members, particularly candidates with strength in financial aspects of a business. They always like to have adults read to the tots, and women with musical talent could do mini-concerts in classrooms. Please contact Carol Loomis at carol.pctots@gmail.com.
Summit County Children’s Justice Center: Community for Children’s Justice (the nonprofit that supports the Children’s Justice Center) is looking for donations of items such as blankets, stuffed animals, bottled water, and individually wrapped snacks. Please contact Andrea Silver at andrea.silver199@gmail.com.
Peace House: There are volunteer opportunities within the Peace House shelter itself; each shelter volunteer is required to participate in a mandatory training before they can interact with clients directly, and the next training will be held in January 2018. In addition, there is a lot of office work that needs to be completed at busy times of year, such as scanning and entering data into the donations database, organizing fundraising letters, and doing inventory for in-kind donations. Please contact Abigail Morrison at abigail@peacehouse.org.
Many thanks to all Women’s Giving Fund members for the donations you made to create the endowment that makes the annual WGF Grant possible. If you know someone who would like to join the Women’s Giving Fund, or if you’d like to make an additional donation to the WGF endowment, please click here or contact Sam Mueller at sam@parkcitycf.org.
Posted in: Our Impact, Women's Giving Fund