Park City, Utah (Wednesday, July 12, 2022) – Park City Community Foundation is pleased to announce that the winner of its 2023 Women’s Giving Fund grant is PC Tots. Women’s Giving Fund members participated in a voting process to choose between three local organizations for the annual high-impact grant, and PC Tots was selected to receive this year’s grant of $60,000. The two runners-up were SOS Outreach and Summit Community Gardens + EATS, and they each received a $20,000 grant.
A total of $100,000 was awarded to the three finalists at the annual Grant Celebration, a large increase compared to $45,000 that was granted last year. “Thanks to the hard work of our Women’s Giving Fund to grow our membership last year, we were able to double our gift in 2023 to organizations that help women and children in our community,” says Karen Conway, Chair of Park City Community Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Since its inception in 2014, Park City Community Foundation’s Women’s Giving Fund has worked to benefit the lives of women+ and children in Park City and Summit County. The influential group includes over 2,100 local women, girls, and those who identify as women. Group members meet throughout the year at various gatherings and have collectively granted $383,000.
PC Tots will use part of the $60,000 grant for tuition assistance so that children from lower-income families can continue to receive high quality care, keeping mothers in the workforce and supporting economic stability for the entire community. In addition, a portion of the grant will support higher wages, comprehensive benefits, and professional development for the PC Tots team of early childcare staff members, most of whom identify as women of color. PC Tots also received the Women’s Giving Fund’s inaugural grant in 2014 and used the funds to start their early care and education program in Park City. They have since expanded to two locations.
“Our Women’s Giving Fund Steering Committee went through an extensive process to select the three finalists for 2023 and hundreds voted for the winner,” said Dalia Gonzalez, Chair of the Women’s Giving Fund Steering Committee. “When local women come together to address some of our community’s most significant issues, we drive powerful change. Over the years, these grants have made possible so many urgently needed services right here in Park City and Summit County.”
Other organizations that have received a Women’s Giving Fund grant in past years have focused on transitional housing for women recovering from domestic violence, medical services for children experiencing abuse, youth mentorship programs, caregivers of older adults, optical care for women, and more.
On July 12, Park City Community Foundation hosted a Grant Celebration for its Women’s Giving Fund members, where each of the three grantee finalists were highlighted with videos about their proposed work. Sponsors for the event were Park City Mountain Resort and Vail Resorts EpicPromise and over 300 women+ were in attendance at Red Pine Lodge in Park City Canyons.
Women’s Giving Fund is an initiative of Park City Community Foundation that includes 2,100 members who make high-impact grants to help local women and children in need. Women become members for life by making a $1,000 contribution to the fund, which is endowed by the Community Foundation and provides grants to local nonprofits from its earnings in perpetuity. Women can also nominate someone to receive an honorary membership. Learn more about Park City Community Foundation’s Women’s Giving Fund or become a member at
About Park City Community Foundation – The Community Foundation plays a vital role in solving the most challenging problems in Park City. We care for and invest in our people, place, and culture by bringing together local nonprofits, donors, and community leaders to contribute financial resources and innovative ideas to benefit all the people of Park City—now and in the future. As the home of Live PC Give PC, Women’s Giving Fund, Solomon Fund, and other important initiatives, the Community Foundation has brought millions of dollars to the greater Park City community and Summit County. Learn more about donating, volunteering, fundraising, and getting involved at
Media Contact: Christine Coleman, Park City Community Foundation,, 415-209-8506.
Posted in: Our Impact, Women's Giving Fund