The impact of Park City Community Foundation’s RISE Fund was significant during the 2022-2023 school year, and we are excited to see the program continue and grow. Park City Community Foundation believes that participation in sports and other activities is multifaceted and can lead to long-term healthy lifestyles as well as greater academic achievement.
RISE Fund is an initiative that facilitates equitable access for students to take part in sports, clubs, and extracurricular activities at Park City High School. It eliminates financial barriers such as registration fees, travel costs, and equipment to create access for students whose families may not be able to afford the full cost of sports and extracurriculars.
RISE Fund saw tremendous growth over the last year. In its second full year, the RISE Fund was able to double the number of registrations, from 56 during the 2021-2022 school year to 113 registrations during the 2022-2023 school year. Ninety-one students benefited from the RISE Fund, which helped eliminate cost as a barrier to participation. In total, $56,882 was granted to Park City High School and the various teams and programs in support of these students.
The sheer increase in numbers was impressive; however, another exciting fact is that students who received support from the RISE Fund believe that their participation in extracurriculars led to overall greater happiness, increased confidence, and a greater sense of belonging. Additionally, 89% of the students that completed our RISE Fund survey said they made new friends while participating in their sport or club.
For questions on how to support the RISE Fund, reach out to Sarah MacCarthy via email at
If you have a high school student who needs financial support to participate in sports or other extracurriculars at Park City High School, please reach out to Junior at or via phone at 435-714-2820.
Posted in: Our Impact, Youth United