Read the Letter To The Editor here.
Come enjoy a snack and meet other local professionals working in Early Childhood at our Provider Roundtables. These free events at the Park City Library allow local providers to network…
Thank you to volunteers Mary Leader and Kim Abbett for helping at Early Childhood Day on the Hill. Holy Cross Ministries, Help Me Grow Utah, and the Early Childhood Alliance…
On March 19, the Wasatch County Health Department will host a 5-hour training on the Ages and Stages Questionnaire. This free training will cover the ASQ-3, ASQ:SE, and ASQ Online…
Come join other parents of young children a the Hive Family Collective’s NewBEE Mama Connect Over Coffee gatherings every Tuesday at 10 am at Park City Coffee Roasters. It’s great…
Please join us for our Early Childhood Day on the Hill on March 2 from 3 to 5:30. Both Senator Stuart Adams and Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox will be speaking….
Are you confused about which organizations provide mental health services in Summit County? Refer to the 2020 Resource Guide to learn where to find help. Contact Connect Summit County to…
Come be part of Park City Municipal Corporation’s Vision 2020 efforts by attending the Parent Discussion Group this Wednesday, February 12 at either 9 or 5:30. Use your voice to…
Summit County Health Department, in partnership with Wasatch Pediatrics and Communities that Care, is offering a series of free parenting classes at the Summit County Library. English classes start on…
On the second Tuesday of every month, the Hive Family Collective presents speakers on topics of interest to expecting and new parents. Come meet other parents in our community with…
Increasing school readiness is one of the primary goals of the Early Childhood Alliance. Recent data provided by the Utah State Board of Education show that there are opportunities to…