2020 Grantee ($18,000) Planned Parenthood Association of Utah (PPAU) to created an Environmental Justice Fellow position that will design a framework for a regional Youth Environmental Justice Coalition. The Fellow selection is Daela Taeoalii-Tipton, an alumni of PPAU’s Teen Council program, and a Standford Earth Systems major with an emphasis in Climate Change Adaptation and Cultural Preservation. Since filling the position, Daela has led 2 events aimed at connecting reproductive health and environmental health through the theme Land is Body Exploring the connections between land, body, health, and climate with farmers, birthworkers, and reproductive justice practitioners. The events were a chance to dig into the idea that “what happens to the body, happens to the land” from Indigenous, Queer, and Afro-Latinx perspectives. This is part of a greater effort to build an empowered contingent of youth at the 2022 Netzero Conference.
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Posted in: Climate Fund
Tagged: youth empowerment, environmental justice, Net Zero Summit, climate, community outreach & education