Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Park City Community Foundation’s Early Childhood Alliance has partnered with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to get books to Summit County kids!

Each month, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails a high quality, age appropriate book to all registered children, addressed to them, at no cost to the child’s family.

If you live in Summit County and have a child under the age of five, you are eligible for the program.



Books Mailed in Summit County


Frequently Asked Questions

Is my child eligible? 

If you live in Summit County and have a child under five years old, then yes! 

Does it cost anything? 

All costs are covered by Early Childhood Alliance, so there is no cost for families to participate. 

How are the costs of this program covered?

Books are gifted free of charge to families through funding shared by Dolly Parton and the Early Childhood Alliance to inspire a love of reading. Each book costs the ECA approximately $2.10, including shipping. Please donate here if you are able to and would like to contribute.

What types of books arrive?

Books are printed by Penguin Random House and are selected by the Blue Ribbon Book Selection Committee each year. Each book is selected to be developmentally appropriate for the child’s age each month. See the current book list here »

What if I have multiple children under age five?

Each child will receive his or her own book. The books may arrive on the same day, but not necessarily.

How are the books delivered?

Books are delivered each month through the U.S. Postal Service. The first books will arrive 6 to 8 weeks after registering for the program.

What if I move?

Parents should update their addresses on the imagination library website. If you are moving to an eligible zip code, the books will be sent to your new address. You can learn whether your new home is located within an eligible zipcode here.

How can I help spread the word?

Promotional materials are available in both English and Spanish. Click the links below to download the materials you need:

Flyer (5.5×8.5in) | English | Spanish
Poster (8.5x11in) | English | Spanish

What are the benefits of this program?

Participation in this program enhances the home literacy environment, increases interactions between caregivers and children, creates positive attitudes about reading, and ultimately helps with kindergarten literacy readiness.

Why should I read to my baby?

Interactive reading to babies and young children (dialogic method) allows distraction-free bonding time, promotes brain development, builds vocabulary, and builds brain processing speed.


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