Nonprofit Executive Director Roundtable: A+ Board Chair + YOU = GOLD

What’s different about Park City Community Foundation? Beyond just awarding grant money, the Community Foundation is the place for nonprofits to collaborate and learn from one another. And with education come better governance and financial responsibility, which lead to stronger, more viable nonprofits. It’s one distinct way we’re giving to the organizations that give so much to greater Park City. Our twelve roundtables a year provide facilitated discussions for our nonprofit partners to discuss the topics that impact them most.

One question that we are often asked is, “What does it take to develop a great Board Chair/Executive Director partnership?”

Jack Mueller, Board Chair of Park City Community Foundation and Tami Whisker, Board Chair of Peace House, recently shared their unique perspectives on what makes the partnership with their Executive Director work and why this partnership is mission critical. 

Trust is the foundation for their Chair/Executive Director partnership, which enables them to work together without a sharp line between their roles. It takes time and certain types of interactions to build it. This relationship dynamic is built on trust and is 100% about the mission and creating the greatest impact in our community. Success is determined on how the partnership works together with three distinct levels of interactions: managing, planning and leading.

Interested in learning more? Check out these resources:

Effective Board Chair-Executive Director Relationships: Not About Roles!

The Board Chair-Executive Director Relationship: Dynamics that Create Value for Nonprofit Organizations

What’s the Single Best Sign of a Healthy Nonprofit

How a CEO and Board Chair can Create and Amazing Partnership 

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