Social Equity Focus

Inspiring an Inclusive Community

In Park City we have a vision of a complete community where everyone has equitable access to opportunity and feels respected, included, safe, and empowered. Disparities are real here, and with the growth of greater Park City comes the opportunity to preserve our sense of community and ensure that inequalities are not rising. We prioritize equity and belonging challenges in all our work and initiatives.

In 2018, we partnered with Park City Municipal Corporation, to build greater social equity. Park City Municipal established Social Equity as a critical priority and named the Community Foundation as the social equity community convener. The Community Foundation brought together a coalition that identified existing social equity resources and gaps, prioritized the most significant and addressable social equity challenges, and developed a multi-year strategic plan. The resulting Community Social Equity Strategic Plan focused on the three key areas that the community identified (housing, education, and inclusion), and actionable programs such as Youth United and the Early Childhood Alliance have been implemented.

Social Equity & Antiracist Resources

Do you want to learn more about diversity, equity, and inclusion? Are you an antiracist? Check out our growing list of resources.

Diversity = Who is around us?

Inclusion = Who has a voice? Who participates in making decisions and shaping culture?

Equity = What are the outcomes? If there are disparities, are they getting smaller?

Park City Equity Advancement Cohort

The Community Foundation facilitates annual Equity Advancement Cohorts with dozens of stakeholders to further the equity conversations and actions within local government, businesses, and nonprofits. The sessions build capacity amongst individuals and organizations to champion and direct equity efforts at an organizational level. Cohort participants meet regularly over six months to learn about best practices for our community, discuss common challenges faced, review case studies, and share their own journeys.

Get Involved

We welcome Parkites to participate in the Social Equity Initiative and stay tuned throughout the process. Give your input or ask questions by emailing Diego Zegarra at Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. See our events and news

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