Despite the extraneous circumstances of 2020, Solomon Fund saw great success in its mission to connect Latina/o/x kids in Summit County with recreational opportunities in our community. Of the 1,200 students that registered for programs through Solomon Fund, 96% completed their programs. At its inception in 2016, Solomon Fund made a goal of having Latina/o/x participation directly reflect the demographics of Park City School District – aiming for 20% Latina/o/x participants versus 80% non-Latina/o/x participants. In 2020, Solomon Fund participation rates hit 19%, meaning we are so close to reaching our initial goal!
The slideshow below outlines Solomon Fund statistics reported in January 2021 from the sixteen 2020 Solomon Fund grant recipients. Acquiring this information from partner organizations that provide recreational programs to local kids is part of a two-phase process of annual data collection that helps measure and evaluate Solomon Fund’s impact. Click through the below slides for the full collection of statistics.
Posted in: Social Equity, Youth United, Our Impact