Park City Community Foundation is the place for nonprofits to collaborate and learn from one another. And with education comes better governance and financial responsibility, which leads to stronger, more viable nonprofits. It’s one distinct way we’re giving to the organizations that give so much to greater Park City. Our twelve roundtables a year provide facilitated discussions for our nonprofit partners to network and to discuss the topics that impact them most.
Our most recent Nonprofit Roundtable was on Wednesday, February 28th. This roundtable addressed cybersecurity.
In case you weren’t able to attend and would like to catch up, our nonprofit education facilitator, Maddy Shear, has shared the Nexus IT presentation which was the basis of the discussion. This Nexus IT Presents Hack the Hacker presentation included an in-depth look into a hackers playbook. An additional resource from the National Council of Nonprofits provides suggestions and resources for exploring the topic further.
The bottom line: we all need to get serious about protecting our organizations against cybercrime and cyberthreats.
Posted in: Supporting Nonprofits, Our Impact