Christine Coleman

Women's Giving Fund Spotlight: Loke Sargent

Women’s Giving Fund Spotlight: Loke Sargent

Park City Community Foundation’s Women’s Giving Fund has united over 1,300 women in pursuit of a common goal: improving the lives of women and children in Summit County. One of…

Board Member Spotlight: Q&A with Maureen Saborio

Board Member Spotlight: Q&A with Maureen Saborio

With a variety of professional backgrounds, including private business executives in and outside of Park City, financial professionals, civic leaders, and community activists, our Board of Directors ensure that Park…

Nonprofit Roundtable: Board Member Best Practices

Nonprofit Roundtable: Board Member Best Practices

Nonprofit organizations are the core of Park City’s health and well-being. When they thrive, so does our community. Our annual event, Live PC Give PC, empowers nonprofits to fundraise and…

Calling All Park City Nonprofits!

Calling All Park City Nonprofits!

Are you a nonprofit in Park City? Do you have a project that needs help and resources? Propose it to Leadership Park City and Class 25 will consider it to…

Summit County Mental Wellness Alliance

Mental Wellness—Progress Update

In 2017, Park City Community Foundation helped start the Summit County Mental Wellness Alliance. Now involving over 200 committee members representing over 50 entities, the Alliance is already making progress…

Get Involved with WGF Grantees

Get Involved with WGF Grantees

Over the past three years, the annual Women’s Giving Fund Grant has made a big difference in the lives of women and children. Having started from scratch in 2015, PC…

Park City Community Foundation: Convener for Mental Wellness

Park City Community Foundation: Convener for Mental Wellness

When Park City Community Foundation brought the community together in early 2017 to form the new Summit County Mental Wellness Alliance, we knew the need was critical. There weren’t enough…

Thank You Live PC Give PC Sponsors!

Thank You Live PC Give PC Sponsors!

On November 10, the community is coming together once again to support local nonprofits through Live PC Give PC. We are deeply grateful to the sponsors who make this annual…

Park City Community Foundation Survey

Park City Community Foundation Survey

At Park City Community Foundation, we are thrilled to celebrate our ten-year anniversary. Throughout the past decade, you joined us to help achieve some incredible results. As we plan for…

Living Well: Mental Wellness to Benefit All

Living Well: Mental Wellness to Benefit All

When Mary’s son James was a junior at a local high school, he had an unforeseen reaction to two prescription drugs. Over time, he became anxious and depressed, and eventually…

Mountain Bike Camp

Mountain Bike Camp

Summer may be coming to an end, but the lessons learned by 11 young mountain bikers will last long after. Just before the start of school, the Park City Community…

Share your passion, and create action!

Share your passion, and create action!

Guest post by Lori L. Jacobwith Communication was the topic of the “Passion Creates Action!” session I was honored to deliver in Park City in May 2017 at the request…